"It's easy to laugh when you're hiding like a pussy!" the level's final boss is taunted, before the delivery of the now-famous line: "In the real world, you're just a bitch with a keyboard." In between a baffling amount of laser firefighting, the dialogue driving the mission forward is exactly what you'd expect. Humour, a disdain for political correctness, and crazy bullet-sponge action sums up the demonstration, and a hands-on session thereafter did nothing to dispel this impression. "I don't have arms," is the angry response, but her next effort - a blow up doll - isn't much better, and when we reach a Lawnmower Man style wire-frame model, it seems best not to argue any more. Kinzie assures us she's doing the best she can. Unfortunately, she hadn't finished customising an avatar yet, and the player is left hopping around the first area as a toilet. The Saints' newest member, the incongruously young ex-Intelligence officer Kinzie Kensington, has sent the protagonist into a virtualization of the Syndicate's network, protected by a gang of young cyberthugs, the Dreckers. The echoes of hilarity continued throughout the demonstration, as we got a sneak peek at the Dreckers.Die mission sequence trailered recently. Itagaki's laughter as he watched his twinned avatar call down an airstrike from a laptop, fire one of Professor Genki's madder weapons, and kick pedestrians in the balls was obviously genuine - he threw back his head and roared when his on-screen self acrobatically flipped over an innocent bystander's shoulders, waited for him to turn around, and then punched him in the face. Iatagaki remained on stage to watch a gameplay video in which the protagonist had been carefully customised to look remarkably like him - stern features, flowing black hair, and trademark sunnies and black jacket. They said if I had so much free time I could finish my own game," the THQ-published Devil's Third. "I even asked THQ if I could be his voice actor," Itagaki said, sounding quite genuine. That helps explain why the flamboyant Valhalla boss was escorted on stage by a pair of models to the strains of Kanye West's Power, an entrance strongly reminiscent of Loren's own. "I've probably watched it ten or more times since then," he said, adding that he'd developed a liking for Syndicate leader and primary antagonist Phillipe Loren. Speaking at THQ's Media Showcase at Tokyo Game Show last week, the ex-Team Ninja lead said he became a huge fan of the game after seeing the E3 trailer. Tomonobu Itagaki really likes Saints Row: The Third. Original released in 2006, and was followed by a sequel in 2008. Third in Volition's ridiculous gang-based action series. Brenna Hillier gets overwhelmed in Tokyo. The Saints' next adventure looks to push the concepts of dress sense and decency to their inevitable limits.